2 2ND ST UNIT - 1002, JERSEY CITY, NJ 07302
Owner Name:  Not published
Block:  11603
Lot:  00024
Qualifier:  C1002X
Property Class:  15F
Total Sq. Ft:  1591
Last Sold Amount:  1,955,000.00
Last Deed Date:  08/22/2014
Last Recorded Date:  09/24/2014
Click here to purchase the service used by thousands of REALTORS in New Jersey. There are more than 30 million records in the NJTaxRecords database. Most properties have tax assessors records as far back as 1998. Information also available on NJTAXRECORDS.com: Owners Address, Land Description, Building Description, Calculated Area, Total Assessment, Estimated Taxes, Ratio, Buyer, Seller, Book and Page.
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